About Us

Our Start
The company was founded by Julia DeNey shortly after she graduated from Cornell University with a Bachelor of Science in Fashion Design in 2020. While at Cornell, Julia established and ran a volunteer partnership with a local autism preschool for her sorority and, from this passion, focused her fashion studies on the special needs of autistic children.
While developing the product and growing Sense-ational You, Julia worked as a special education para in autism classrooms for three years. During this time, she got to work hands-on with autistic children and the therapists and teachers who would be integrating the clothes into the school days and recommending these products to parents.
Recognizing the clothing market has long ignored the large group of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sensory Processing Disorder, Sense-ational You aims to bring recognition and acceptance of this group into the fashion industry.
Our Mission
is to help all children feel safe, heard, and included everywhere they go through clothing that helps them regulate.
Our Vision
is for sensory needs to be met and validated by providing tools that give children control of their surroundings.
We use the influence fashion has to spread greater acceptance of neurodiversity. Adaptive fashion allows for conversation with other children about the needs of their peers. Everyone can enjoy a tag-free shirt or magnetic closure jacket, but some kids need to have them!
By integrating sensory elements into our clothing, kids are never without the tools they rely on and are never isolated or picked on for the supports they need.